Protecting Improved Property

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Body 1 Discussion

Protecting Improved Property

Category B: Grouping of Common Emergency Protective Measures

Protecting Improved Property

Emergency Protective Measures to protect improved property that are generally eligible include:

  • Constructing emergency berms or temporary levees to provide protection from floodwaters or landslides
  • Emergency repairs necessary to prevent further damage, such as covering a damaged roof to prevent infiltration of rainwater
  • Buttressing, shoring, or bracing facilities to stabilize them or prevent collapse
  • Temporary slope stabilization
  • Mold remediation
  • Removal and storage of contents from eligible facilities for the purpose of minimizing additional damage
  • Extracting water and clearing mud, silt, or other accumulated debris from eligible facilities if the work is conducted expeditiously for the purpose of addressing an immediate threat (if the work is only necessary to restore the facility, it is Permanent Work, not Emergency Work)
  • Taking actions to save the lives of animals that are eligible for replacement

This list is not all-inclusive.

Category B: Grouping of Common Emergency Protective Measures

Emergency Protective Measures on Private Property

The Applicant must include the following support documentation with the claim for the work to be eligible:

  • A detailed explanation documenting the Applicant's legal authority and responsibility to enter private property
  • The basis for the determination that a threat exists to the general public in that community
  • Copies of the rights-of-entry and agreements to indemnify and hold harmless the Federal Government

If the above criteria are not met, the private property owner may be eligible for assistance under FEMA's Individual Assistance Programs. FEMA staff will coordinate to ensure the same work is not funded by both programs.


Body 2 Discussion

Protecting Improved Property

Body 3 Discussion

Protecting Improved Property

Body 4 Discussion

Protecting Improved Property
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